
How to Delete Your Charging Account

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You wish to delete your Virta system account but cannot find the option in your profile - fear no more.  

At the moment, it is only possible to do so using the team management functionalities. This means that without the proper access you will have to contact a member of your team with the Owner or Manager role to archive/delete your account.


In the Organisations/Team page, select the account you wish to delete and on the right side choose “Archive member”:

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 19.59.30.png

You will be asked to confirm the archiving of this user once more. In order for the change to be effective, the archived user needs to have logged out - we are working on having any newly-archived members automatically logged out in the future. Any remaining active users with relevant rights to see team members can check previously archived users (see also picture above).  

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 20.00.08.png

If you are unable to archive any account, please contact your Administrator or a Driver Manager of your team 

You can see all archived users by simply pressing “Show archived users” in the same actions menu.

Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 20.03.14.png From that new table, you will also be able to permanently delete users - but that is never necessary to do if you just wish to prevent them from logging in. 

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