Welcome onboard!
This article guides you through the followings:
How to create the following Virta Fleet report types:
- Fleet active drivers
- Fleet home charging reimbursement
- Fleet invoicing
So that you can efficiently manage your Virta Fleet using valuable insights.
Let's get started!
How to create a Virta Fleet report
To access or view Virta Fleet reports, please log in to the Virta Hub.
Navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the "Reports & documents" tab.
To access the Fleet reports page, simply click on the "Fleet". From there, you can generate insightful reports that provide valuable information about your Fleet.
The calendar tab on the right gives you access to the already created reports in different time slots, like last month.
Creating your first report is a breeze! Just head over to the "Reports" tab and click on the "+ New report" button at the bottom right corner of the page. This will open the New Report page, where you can customise your report according to your specific needs.
Firstly, select your report template from the Report Type drop-down menu.
When selecting your report template, you have three options to choose from:
- Fleet active drivers
- Fleet home charging reimbursement
- Fleet invoicing
This will help you to structure your report and ensure you get the information that matters most to you.
Let's take a closer look at each report type:
1. Fleet active drivers
This report provides details such as Customer ID, External customer reference, Contract start time, Contract end time, and information about active Fleet drivers and active Fleet home charging drivers.
2. Fleet home charging reimbursement
This report includes information about the Fleet name, EV driver ID, External customer reference, EV driver and recipient of the payment, Recipient address, EV Driver IBAN, EV Driver BIC, Home charger Station ID, Start time, Stop time, Energy consumption, the Unit cost of electricity at the driver's home charger, Total costs, Currency, Duration, transaction ID, charge method, and RFID if Virta charging tag is used.
3. Fleet Invoicing (B2B)
This report covers public and private non-home charging events and provides details such as Fleet name, Customer ID, External customer reference, Customer name, Station ID, Start time, Stop time, energy consumption, price, currency, duration, VAT rate, net amount, transaction ID, charge method, RFID, and charging type.
- If the account is not deleted, it is counted as an "Active driver" in the Fleet invoice.
- We consider the "Active Fleet home charging driver" if the home charger is connected to the account.
Now, select your desired report template, specify the desired timeline in the "Report Scope" section, and press the "Generate report" button at the bottom of the page.
Your report will be generated and available to you in CSV format.
Only users with Administrator, Driver Manager, and Financial Support roles can access the reports.
It's as simple as that. You now know how to generate a new Virta Fleet report.
Happy Virta Fleet management!
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