
What are Station Logs and How to Read Them

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Most messages work so that there is one request and one answer.

Using our above example, it could be something like

  • Charger: User X would like to charge, are they authorised?
  • Virta Hub: Yes they are
  • Virta Hub: Please start a charging session for User X
  • Charger: The charging session started

Of course chargers don't yet speak such great English and their messages might be a bit harder than that to decipher. You can read more about the logs messages a specific device might send from the manufacturer's documentation.

How to find your charger's logs

From the Logs tab

From the Stations tab, click Logs.

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A page will appear for you to select a specific charging point (even though logs are common to a whole charging device that might have several charging points).

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Selecting a charging point via the search will open its logs (or rather the ones of its device) for the last 24 hours. 

You can alter the time frame by clicking on the date picker on top - even though usually we would recommend keeping the period as short as possible to avoid loading a too high number of log messages.

On the right, you can also use some extra actions:

  • Refresh latest: to get new messages, sent/received since you last loaded the page
  • Hide heartbeats: for many charging devices heartbeats are sent every 60 seconds, rapidly crowding the page. You can use this functionality to hide heartbeats and focus on the important messages.
  • Hide meter values: similarly to heartbeats, meter values might be sent very often and can be hidden via the menu
  • Download logs: you can download the active logs page if required for your support purposes

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From the Find tab

If you are already viewing a charging point and wish to view its logs without having to go through search again, you also have the option to go directly to a pre-selected logs page using the "View all station logs" link in the charging point's info box.
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How long charging logs are stored

Charging points logs are stored for 90 days.

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