Pool Name
Choosing a clear and concise pool name will help you easily locate it in searches, map views, and reports.
Opening Hours
You can specify when the pool is available to customers by adjusting the Opening hours dropdown. The pool can either be available 24/7 or on specific days and times. Note that this setting does not affect the actual physical availability of the stations. If needed, select "Customize days" to input specific operating hours.
You can set your pool’s timezone using the available options. In some countries, like Finland, only one timezone is available, while in others, such as the US, multiple timezones may be chosen.
This field allows you to assign the pool to a specific organization. You can only assign the pool to a sub-organization of the one your account is linked to. Be cautious when changing the owner, as this may affect settings like country, timezone, tariffs, and access management, which will be updated according to the new owner’s preferences.
Address, Postcode, City
You can update the pool’s physical address details here, including the postcode and city.
The pool’s country is determined by the organization it belongs to and cannot be modified.
Location Description
Use this field to provide additional information about the pool’s location. Please note that this information will not be visible to EV drivers in the app.
Please enter the pool’s coordinates to help EV drivers find the location within the app.
Pool Photo
You can upload a photo of the pool, which will be visible to EV drivers in the app.
Last Mile Description
This field allows you to add specific guidance to help drivers locate the pool, such as noting which floor it is on in a large parking garage. This information is shown to drivers in the app.
Hide the Pool
If needed, you can hide a pool from EV drivers by activating this switch. Hidden pools are not visible or searchable in the app unless OTP (One-Time Payment) is enabled. Drivers who know the pool’s location can still charge there even if the pool is hidden.
Free Usage
Activating the Free usage option overrides any existing tariffs, allowing drivers to charge for free without authentication. Note that enabling this makes the pool free to all users, not just specific drivers.
OTP (One-Time Payment)
Enabling OTP allows drivers to make one-time payments. By default, OTP is set to "ON" for public organizations and "OFF" for private ones. When a pool is added to a private organization, OTP will be disabled by default.
This field indicates whether the parking area is open to the public and whether a parking fee applies. This information is displayed to drivers but is purely informational.
Technical Information
For detailed technical specifications, please read more here.
Final Step: Save Your Changes
Once you have made the necessary updates, please remember to click on Save Changes to confirm them.
Thats it!
You now know how to access and edit the pool functionality within your organisation, as well as detailed information about each of the editable fields.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, your Customer Success Manager (CSM), who will be happy to help!