Hello and welcome!
This article walks you through understanding the error codes associated with your charging points.
To begin, navigate to the Stations tab, where you'll find a list displaying the operational status of each charging point.
You can use filters to view only those charging points that are currently faulted.
If your charging point is reporting its operative status as faulted, it is also telling more specific reasons for the error in the following example, UnderVoltage error. By opening the charging point details, the view gives you more information about the situation:
In the following table, all the possible error codes and their reasons are opened up.
Error code |
Colour of the latest health status pill and inline notification |
Title and text |
orange |
ConnectorLockFailure error reported by stationFailure to lock or unlock the connector. Please check the cable. |
orange pill, no inline notification |
(Communication failure with the vehicle, which might be caused by a communication protocol issue. I am not setting the charger to the faulted state, but it is suspended by the EVSE state. Nothing can be done in charger side. — don’t display any text or inline-notification) |
red |
GroundFailure error reported by stationThe ground fault circuit interrupter has been activated. Manual on-site maintenance by the manufacturer is required to prevent high voltage and stations from getting damaged. |
red |
HighTemperature error reported by the stationThe temperature inside the station is too high. The cooling system is possibly broken. Manual on-site maintenance by the manufacturer might be required. |
orange |
InternalError reported by stationError in internal hard- or software component. This might be caused by misconfiguration or wrong backend settings. |
orange |
LocalListConflict error reported by stationThe authorisation information received from the central system is in conflict with the LocalAuthorizationList. Please check that EV driver data, including the charging tag, is valid. |
green pill, no inline notification |
(No error is reported by the station) |
orange |
OtherError is reported by the stationA vendor-specific error code has been reported. Check vendorErrorCode from charger's manual and act accordingly. |
red |
OverCurrentFailure error reported by the stationOver-current protection, the device has tripped. A manual on-site check by a manufacturer or vendor-certified electrician is required. |
red |
OverVoltage error reported by the stationVoltage has risen above an acceptable level. A manual on-site check by a manufacturer or vendor-certified electrician is required. |
orange |
PowerMeterFailure error reported by stationFailure to read power meter. The power reader might be broken. Manual on-site maintenance by manufacturer might be required. |
orange |
PowerSwitchFailure error reported by stationThe power switch control might be broken. Manual on-site maintenance by manufacturer might be required. |
orange |
ReaderFailure error reported by stationThe idTag reader might be broken. Manual on-site maintenance by manufacturer might be required. |
orange |
ResetFailure reported by the stationUnable to perform a remote reset. A manual on-site reboot is required. |
red |
UnderVoltage reported by the stationVoltage has dropped below an acceptable level, which is possibly due to broken components. Manual on-site maintenance by the manufacturer is required. |
orange |
WeakSignal error reported by the stationWireless communication device reports a weak signal. Please contact your salesperson and consider getting a signal booster if the problem persists. |
If you have any questions, please reach out to our CSM, and they will be happy to help!