
How to Manage the Electrical Feeds of a Pool

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What are the electrical feeds?

Stations are physically installed within circuits on a site. They receive electricity from an electrical feed that originates from the fuse board. On Virta Hub, pools refer to groups of stations located in a specific area. However, the electricity that feeds the stations may come from different energy suppliers or sources and have different output limits. Therefore, the electrical feeds within pools help to map out charging restrictions and supply information.

How many electrical feeds do I need per pool?

As many as you have separate circuits within the given location.

  • How to link stations to electrical feeds?
    The stations can be added to the electrical feeds when you add a new station or on the edit station view.

    • Add new station.
      • After typing the station identity/IMEI number, select the pool where the station will be located. 
      • If the pool has one electrical feed, the station will be linked to it directly. If the pool has more than one electrical feed, select the feed that the station was installed.

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    • Edit station.
      • Select a station on the Virta Hub. Then, on the available actions card click on “edit station”. 
      • On the edit view, you can select the electrical feed under the pool field. 

How to add electrical feeds?

The electrical feeds can be added when you add a pool or edit a pool.

    • Scroll down until you locate Pool electrical feeds section.
    • Click on + Add electrical feed.
    • Fill the information needed.
    • Save the changes on the pool edit view or continue the process while a new pool is added. 

How to delete electrical feeds?

To delete an electrical feed, you need to navigate to the edit pool view and go to the pool electrical feeds section.

    • Relocate all the stations in the feed to other feeds or pools.
    • When the feed does not have any station linked to it. Click on the delete icon. 
    • A pop-up notification will appear to confirm the action. Click on continue. 
    • Save the changes in the pool. 

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