
Virta CO2 Cashback

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In this article, we will cover how Virta CO2 Cashback service empowers you as a Charge Point Operator to monetize your contributions to reducing emissions and promoting renewable energy. We will explore:

  1. The Benefits and Impact of Virta CO2 Cashback Service
  2. How to Participate in Virta CO2 Cashback Via Virta Hub
  3. Country Specific Information
  4. Opportunities Available in the Voluntary Carbon Markets

Let's start!


1. The Benefits and Impact of Virta CO2 Cashback Service

Virta CO2 Cashback facilitates the monetization of emission reductions for Charge Point Operators (CPOs). When a CPO opts into the service, Virta takes on the responsibility of aggregating the environmental benefits generated from EV charging sessions. These benefits are then turned into verified certificates or credits, which are sold to obligated parties, such as fossil fuel suppliers, who are required to meet regulatory targets for reducing emissions and increasing renewable energy use in the transport sector. This process helps redirect funds from fossil fuel suppliers to those investing in sustainable solutions, thereby enhancing the return on investment (ROI) for sustainable projects and making e-mobility even more attractive.

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In some markets, such as Germany and Austria, private charging is also included in these credit mechanisms, allowing Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) owners to benefit from the CO2 Cashback service. As per the updated Renewable Energy Directive (RED) III, all EU member states must implement a credit mechanism by May 2025, enabling CPOs to create renewable energy source electricity credits, further advancing the adoption of sustainable energy in transportation.

2. How to Participate in Virta CO2 Cashback Via Virta Hub

If you are in a contractual agreement with Virta, including the CO2 Cashback service, you can easily participate by enabling the CO2 Cashback toggle in the Virta Hub. This can be done in the Organisation tab under the Information section.

Once the toggle is activated,

  • Virta handles all reporting to the relevant governmental bodies
  • Virta sells the credits, and
  • Virta pays the agreed share to you

Understanding Virta CO2 Cashback Payout Calculation

The payout for CPOs is determined by several factors, including:

  • The CO2 intensity of grid electricity
  • The renewable energy or emission reduction targets of fossil fuel suppliers
  • The credit market prices

These factors can vary by market and year, so it is advisable to consult with your Sales Executive or Customer Success Manager for specific payout information.

3. Country Specific Information

Germany's national credit mechanism, known as the GHG Quota (Treibhausgasminderungsquote or THG-Quote), has been in place since January 1, 2022. We have been supporting CPOs in Germany since they became eligible for this quota. More information is available here.

For BEV owners, the CO2 Cashback benefit can be accessed through the registration page here.


In France, the credit mechanism is known as TIRUERT (Taxe Incitative Relative à l’Utilisation d’Énergie Renouvelable dans le Transport). Although it has been available since January 1, 2022, adoption has been slower compared to Germany. Currently, only CPOs offering public charging are eligible for the benefits, with no provisions for private charging or BEV owners. For more information, please visit this page.

4. Opportunities Available in the Voluntary Carbon Markets

Since its introduction in Germany in 2022, Virta CO2 Cashback has been a key player in the EV charging credit market. The service is set to launch in France shortly, and we plan to extend our offerings to additional markets, including Finland and Sweden, starting in 2025. We are also exploring opportunities in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), having successfully conducted a project utilizing our EV charging carbon credit methodology to create credits for charge point owners. For countries outside the EU without local compliance markets, we are open to discussing VCM opportunities.

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Virta CO2 Cashback is a great opportunity for you as a CPO to capitalize on your contributions to sustainable transportation by participating in carbon credit mechanisms. By leveraging this service, as a CPO, you can:

  • Generate additional revenue
  • Support the transition to renewable energy, and
  • Enhance the attractiveness of e-mobility

As we continue to expand our offerings across Europe and beyond, we remain committed to supporting you in navigating and benefiting from these evolving markets.

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