
[Rapport] KPI:er för laddningsstationer


Den här rapporten är tillgänglig för alla roller med tillgång till både modulerna Rapporter och Stationer.
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Rapporten om KPI:er för laddningsstationer innehåller en klassificering av alla EVSE:er i de utvalda organisationerna enligt olika prestandaparametrar, med undantag för arkiverade stationer.

Den är endast tillgänglig för de senaste 90 dagarna från det datum då rapporten genererades.


Report contents

Column header Description

Station ID

Internal system ID of the charging point


Model of the charging station

Charging sessions

Count of all charging sessions started on this charging point during the selected time frame

Utilization rate %

Percentage of the selected time frame during which this charging point was in use.


Count of all error messages sent by this station during the selected time frame.

This excludes “NoError” error messages.

Offline %

Percentage of the selected estimated time frame during which this charging point was offline (= disconnected)

Faulted %

Percentage of the selected time frame during which this charging point was faulted


Count of all disconnections of this station during the selected time frame.

kWh charged

How many estimated kWh have been charged on this charging point during the selected time frame.

What this also means is that:

  • Values are evenly distributed for the charge duration and

  • Only values within the selected time frame are included

Turnover generated

How much estimated money have been generated on this charging point during the selected time frame in the CPO’s currency (visible in the next column)

What this also means is that:

  • Values are evenly distributed for the charge duration and

  • Only values within the selected time frame are included


The currency of the generated turnover

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