
[Rapport] Roaming-sessioner (CPO-vyn)


Den här rapporten är tillgänglig för alla roller som har tillgång till modulerna Rapporter och Stationer.
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Rapporten Roaming sessions (CPO view) innehåller alla laddningssessioner som startats vid laddningspunkter som ägs av de valda organisationerna under den valda tidsramen av kunder från följande roamingnätverk:

  • Hubject
  • Girève
  • OCPI



Report contents

Column header Description


Month and year when this charging session started


Roaming network through which this charging session happened


Unique ID of this charging session

Station ID

Unique ID of the charging point used for the session (internal)


Unique ID of the charging point used for the session (as described in the roaming networks)

Station name

Name of the charging point used for the session

Start time

Start time of the charging session

Stop time

End time of the charging session

Energy (Wh)

Consumption of the charging session

Meter start

Meter value of the charging point at the start of the charging session

Meter stop

Meter value of the charging point at the end of the charging session


Total price for the charging session (VAT included)


Currency used for the price (= currency of the organisation owning the charging station)


Whether this charging station is part of a public or a private organisation. In other words, is the access to this charging station limited to a certain group of users or available to all

Free usage

Whether the “Free usage” setting was activated for this charging station at the time of the generation of this report, not of the charging session

Plug type

Whether AC or DC current was distributed

Charge method

Method used by the customer to initiate this charging session.

Examples: app, onetime, rfid, admin


Identifier of the roaming operator for the charging session

Provider ID

Identifier of the roaming EMSP for the charging session

Transaction ID

Unique ID of the transaction

Note: if empty, might be a symptom of a failed session


Duration of the charging session

VAT rate

VAT percentage applied to the charging session’s price

VAT amount

VAT amount for this charging session

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