Summary of firmware updates and how they should work - for more detailed info, read further down:
- Firmware versions can support one or multiple station models, depending on the file itself
- All connectors inside stations have the same firmware version
- Station’s firmware version is written in station overview in station list
- Station needs to be online and available so that firmwares can be updated. During the update, charger will be unavailable for charging. In the end of update process, charger reboots itself and updates the firmware version number to the UI. The process happens in the background so update panel can be closed.
- When updating multiple stations as a batch, all them needs to be online, available, and be same model. They also need to have the same firmware version.
- Firmware versions can be updated via link or by using file that is uploaded to Virta Hub beforehand. To read more about firmware library and adding files there, see this article.
- You get the firmware version update links from your system administrator (they are managed by Virta)
- Firmware files can be uploaded in Stations > Settings tab. Make sure the Firmware library -module is activated to your organisation and that you have Administrator or Technician roles. Other roles can see and use the files but not upload new ones.
- Note that the latest version means the latest file uploaded to the system, which is not necessary the latest existing in general
- The file uploaded can be used by the uploader organisation and its sub'organisations. This means that files uploaded by Virta can be used by anyone. Virta has our own policy of testing a FW before it is launched.
- Something went wrong? Please check the logs, check that charger is not offline and is available. Check also that the link is valid or that the file is correct. Update process might take some time, and logs also tell if it process is still ongoing.
Each and every device supported by the Virta Hub functions with firmware (also sometimes called software). Like our own platform, firmware supports versions and improves as the station manufacturer develops new features and corrects bugs.
In the past, firmware versions were updated on site - today they can also be downloaded remotely onto the device using the Virta Hub.
Sometimes firmware versions are unique to a certain station model. Sometimes they can be used for several models of the same manufacturer. Check your charger's documentation for specific details.
This article is about viewing and updating station's firmware version. To read more about firmware library and adding files there, see this article. If you want to update firmware to multiple stations at once, see this article about batch operations.
How to view a device's current firmware version
You can find your devices' firmware version by entering their pool view and selecting a charging point. The version number will be displayed in the details box below the device's identity and model.
Note: the firmware version is always common to all charging points of a single device
You will find the version again when entering the Edit station view. You'll notice a lock next to the field, as you cannot update the version number manually.
To update the firmware version, click on the relevant available action on the right side of the screen. Note that you need to have Administrator, Driver manager, Charger manager, Technician or Viewer role to be able to update firmware.
How to update the firmware's version
After clicking on Update firmware, a side panel will open.
In this panel, you'll be able to paste a new firmware version's download link for update. You'll get these links directly from your system administrator as they are managed by Virta.
Once the link has been inserted, ensure that your device is online and available and click on Start the update. Please note that the charger will be rendered unavailable during the process.
The firmware update will happen in several steps:
- First the system will check whether a file is found under the URL provided
- Then the file will be downloaded and uploaded to the device
- Then the charger will start installing the new firmware version
- Finally, the charger will be rebooted and the version number updated
Note that issues can occur at any step of this process.
You can close the panel once the update has been started as all will happen in the background. It's possible to follow the process from the logs page.
If the update has failed, check the link's validity and ensure that your charger is currently connected (not offline) and available. If the firmware update is not successful, you can also check from the logs tab that the charging point is available and not downloading the previous firmware still.
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