Each organisation has access to a specific set of modules and sub-modules. These modules define what functionalities and services the organisation has access to and, in turn, affect what actions each role in the organisation can perform. Only a parent organisation can manage modules and paid services for sub-organisations (if any), but not for themselves. Additionally, a parent organisation can enable only the modules and services it has for its sub-organisations.
Some paid services (e.g. Virta Priority, Virta Preconnect, etc.) are managed on the Virta Hub but are visible in Energy. However, adding or removing them for any organisation controls their visibility.
Note: Be sure to deactivate the services in Energy before removing them from an organisation, or they will remain active and considered for billing.
Image: Modules & services submodule.
How to manage modules
Only users with the Administrator, Driver manager, Charging manager or Paid module activator roles can manage modules for sub-organisations. Modules management is possible during the organisation creation process or after it. During the organisation creation process, you can select the sub-set of your own modules you wish to give this new organisation access to.
Video: Modules management.
How to manage paid services
Only users with the Administrator or Paid module activator roles can enable paid services for sub-organisations. In the organisational tree hierarchy, a parent organisation must have paid services enabled to activate them in its sub-organisations. At the moment, the paid services can only be activated after creating a sub-organisation.
Note: Paid services should be diligently activated for sub-organisations, enabling these services by mistake could result in increased billing.
Video: Enabling paid services.
How can I know which roles have permissions for certain modules and services?
To see a detailed table of all roles and permissions according to modules, please read Roles description article.
What if adding modules or paid services to my sub-organisations fails?
Contact the organisation that provided the modules or paid service(s) to your organisation for support.
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